Woob – Repurpose Now Shipping.


All the pieces are finally in place and the CD’s can now begin shipping. A dozen First editions should start their voyage today with the rest leaving on Monday. 2nd editions will also start shipping Monday and I should be up to date with all existing orders by the end of the week.

The finished product is very organic with each one different from the next and not just because of the nature of the hand printing but also the recycled cases themselves are all different and under light glisten (in places) with specks of silver. It was an interesting experiment to hand print the covers but not sure I will be repeating the process as it took me around 50 wasted cases to complete 25 first editions without missing R’s,W’s or excessive wonkyness:) So for those who ordered, enjoy the CD when it arrive’s and here’s to (if there ever is one) a fully manufactured third edition!

Update 3rd August.

All 1st Editions now shipped!   2nd Edition – around a quarter shipped so far.

Update 5th August.

Lots more shipped now… forecast looks like all existing orders shipped by Friday or Monday at the latest.

Update 9th August.

All existing and new orders now shipped! ! !

2nd Edition now sold out.

Thanks to everyone who ordered. Enjoy the CD.


  1. Mike Mullen says:

    Great news, I can hardly wait to see it!

    • season9 says:

      Let me know when it lands Mike

      • Mike Mullen says:

        Just got it today! Only a week to ship to the states, not bad for overseas shipping! The packaging, artwork, everything looks great. Love the extras, trying to flatten the poster right now to remove the creases and thinking about putting it in a frame. Cheers Paul!!!

      • season9 says:

        Fantastic! Glad it arrived safely

  2. Can’t wait :) I’m really loving Repurpose at the moment.

  3. Will Maclean says:

    Received mine safe and sound yesterday. Hurrah!

  4. Arrived safely Down Under – 6 days that’s not bad at all! Thank you Paul

  5. number 12/25 :)))

  6. PsycoEwok says:

    Got mine today… NUMBER 1/25 :D Hooray! Thank you!

  7. stephen says:

    got my 2nd edition yesterday in the u.k :) wonderful organic feel to the cover & music,great stuff paul.

  8. Got mine yesterday. :) # 6/25

  9. Got my 2nd edition today. thanks and greetings from Germany !

  10. Dan Bree says:

    A million huzzahs, Paul – My 2nd Edition has landed in the USA. Love the handcrafted, high-touch feel – and thanks for showing your fans the love.

  11. whoo hoo!
    back from the sunny south of france to sunny dublin.
    the cd is easing my first day back to work.

    hammering 85-bit, love it.

  12. Just got 16/25. What can I say, the CD and extras are really great! Many thanks from Germany!

    • season9 says:

      Glad it got there. Strange though as that should have arrived over a week ago!

      • Probably got caught up in customs here somehow, which always takes a fair amount of time.

        Still, it did arrive – and only that’s important :)

  13. Wafting Whale says:

    brilliant! thoroughly enjoying this compact disc, thanks from Tassie, keep up the good work

  14. Please more editions!! i don´t have one :-(

  15. Adrian Ciglenean says:

    yes. must. have. please: more editions!

  16. rockwallaby says:

    Yes, please, I too would like one, and sadly missed out hearing about the release.
    Have woob from the extinct t:me label, album 1194.
    ‘On Earth’ some 32 minutes of the most amazing textured sound scape ever that has been produced. So, naturally I would love to add this latest addition to the collection.

  17. another request for another edition, please

  18. PLEASE do another edition. I don’t download digital music, so the CDr is the only way I can enjoy this release! HELP!

    • season9 says:

      It’ is frustrating when there are no CD’s of albums available especially movie soundtracks which often only offer lossy Mp3’s but at least with ‘Repurpose’ you have the option of downloading a lossless version and burning to CD.

      As for another edition maybe in the future………:)

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