Woob ‘Return to the City’ – Mainframe Edition includes analogue monophonic synthesizer – The Monowuub


The auction has begun  – details


Original keycard colour proofs now included

Yes you read right, this one off edition of Woob – Return to the City comes complete with a working monophonic analogue synthesizer – the Woob ‘Monowuub’. This synthesizer is the actual one used on the exclusive keycard mix of the forthcoming track ‘Mainframe’. Pictured above: this synth is perfect for the musician and non-musician alike as it is a self contained device powered by batteries and includes a built in speaker, all it needs is a tap on the ribbon key to play. To see it in action someone made a video using an obvious Japanese knock off but it has a similar sound:) LINK

That is not all, the mainframe edition comes with the only sealed Signature Edition Keycard + other potential (see below) goodies.

 How do you get one?

So to be clear there is only one of these, there will not be another, it comes complete with Lv.4 keycard and to avoid a mass of F5’s and to make it a bit fairer on everyone, I am going to put this up on the bay with no reserve. If it hits the point of covering it’s cost I will include the original keycard colour proofs. If it gets any higher I may throw in a mainframe hacking device that also doubles up as a stylus.(see below) Bidding begins before the end of the month and will conclude sometime January Bidding begins February so there is plenty of time. Full details.

Keycard Update.

Those wondering about the whereabouts of the keycards, I am with you. I suppose artifacts from the future are hard to pin down! All things going well though I should have some pictures of the non-prototype units up in advance of Xmas Eve.

Keycard Update 2.

They have all been sent see the forecast



  1. wtf, no other physical release?

    • to further respond to my comment, still very disappointed the way things are handled, been buying Woob from almost the beginning and due to email problems missing this keycard edition. Hope the higgest will be happy, don’t think I can afford this. Good luck.

  2. Benjamin says:

    I just came a little. I’m somewhat suspecting one of those “japanese knock-offs” for x-mas, plus I’m a poor student so no way in hell will I be able to to outbid that thing. But damn it’s classy.

  3. Very cool indeed. Not sure I could crape up the shekels to get this one… :-(

  4. Martin Ward says:

    Ok, i can understand Ronald’s frustration at missing out on the keycard the first time around, and then being upset at the new mainframe being a one off woob item, but thats the beauty of it, something so rare that no one else has it, imagine if the mona lisa wasnt a one off, where would the beauty of that painting be if everyone had it…
    the same applies here, its pauls way of creating an item that is going to sit very proudly in the winners hands, i know how happy i would be to win, at the moment though i’ll be happy with the keycard when it arrives so will probably let others have a chance of winning this unique piece
    good luck to you all and happy woobmas

    • The problem I’m having that Paul is telling it’s fair for everyone to obtain this one time edition.
      I don’t see the fairness in not being informed at the exact same time (like others) with the email of the first edition! If we received the email all at the same time I’m sure I would be one of the first to order the first keycard edition. When I received the email yesterday I wrote a comment within 2 minutes I guess, just like this reply to your comment Martin. I’m sure if I received the mail for the keycard I would have had obtained this edition! But if anyone is willing to part with this keycard edition let me know, Paul maybe?
      It should look nice next to my Woob1, Woob2, Repurpose cds.

      • Sorry you didn’t get one Ronald, as I said before they went very quick. I have mentioned in every newsletter/update that season 9 readers get advance information. Here is a quote from Update No. 5 the one prior to the one you read too late which went out on 22nd September

        ‘You can now subscribe by email to Woob blog – Season 9. Just hit the follow button (bottom right of screen) at the blog to sign up and get all this info and more in advance or you can now follow me on Twitter @woobHQ’

        And as far as mainframe edition being a one off it was announced as such –

        Woob ‘Return To the City’ Keycard Sold Out + Special One off ‘Mainframe Edition’ Announced

  5. Paul, I believe I was subscribed to the mailinglist (hence the email), if not I will apologize for my comments.
    Concerning the main frame edition, I interpreted this as a one time repress with some extra’s, not as a unique edition.
    Still I hope someone is willing to part with his or hers keycard.

  6. Brennan Pettie says:

    I was subscribed too.. so bummed I was also a latter email and had no chance. I as well have all things (((WOOB))) and have the slightest hope that Paul may rethink not making a few more.. I mean if the demand is there……..

    • Brennan Pettie says:

      wait…I may have been on the WOOB mailing list…..and not Season 9.. either way, super sad face here..

      • Just to clear this up there were no later Mailing list emails. Its just that Season 9 subscribers (as always) got a heads up!
        Sorry you missed out guys.

  7. Original keycard colour proofs now included!

  8. Also includes matching chrome plastic sleeve/bag as mentioned on Matrixsynth


  1. […] last the auction has begun on the Mainframe edition of Woob ‘Return to the […]

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