Woob 1111 – Return to the City – Advance Preview and Soundtrack


Soundtrack too!

More info to follow….


Ok so I didn’t quite make it this year with the planned Paradigm Flux album but hopefully though this Prologue should tide you over until it’s completion. What started out as a fairly simple one track release, rapidly escalated into this soundtrack album + Keycard (more on this to come.)

The film marks the second collaboration with Time-lapse superstar Samuel Cockedey but in this instance Samuel has let me loose on his footage! Here is the description from the Woob Vimeo page:

This preview is for the Prologue to the the Sci-Fi film ‘Paradigm Flux’
The finished short will help set up the story for the main feature. Using Timelapse to help form the narrative – along with accompanying soundtrack, keycard and additional micro-length animated film

Thanks go out to Samuel for making this project a reality.

Plus a big Thank-you to everyone who has already shown great support by grabbing those Keycards!



  1. Well this was a massive shock finding this in my inbox, the trailer looks fantastic, and the soundscape… wow, what can i say, the first minute does everything music should do, it grabs you and keeps hold of you of as it takes you on a new experience in sound… its hard to believe that its been 17 years since 1194, but the cinematic musical scope of Woob continues, and the best news is theres even more to come :)
    So far ‘To The City III’ & ‘Return To The City I’ are the standout tracks, superb drums and depth in sound and vocal samples in all the right places!
    Nice one Paul, this was like waiting for something you didnt know you were waiting for, and then its there, a stunning surprise release!!

  2. A pleasant surprise indeed, looking forward to the keycard, mainly to find out exactly what it is.
    Happy Monday.

  3. The uncut version of To the City left me breathless with tears in my eyes. A magnificent journey! Thanks.

  4. I just ordered something. I will no doubt be pleased with it, now to go back and see what it is. All I saw was WOOB, limited, 50, buy here…. the rest was just a blur of paypal and debit card… ;)

  5. Ooops, I only read pay extra, didn’t see the $10, I only paid extra $5. Can you show how to top this up as I’d really like the signed edition. Apologese, I had just woken from a nap and literally blazed through the order.

  6. just downloaded this – couldn’t afford the keycard version sadly as would have to sell my son’s remaining lung (what with christmas just around the corner and all). But anyway, have only had time for a brief listen, but so far does not disappoint – deep, warm and cinematic. Beautiful stuff. So glad that you’re still making such lovely stuff – finding this out has been the highlight of my year. Well, that and Radar men from the moon’s album. But yours definitely at the very top.

  7. The movie looks great!
    I tryied to download the free song for preview but the link doesnt work. Tried to look at the pictures over the keycard section but the links doesnt work. Both take me to a page with the title “HMMM this shouldnt have happened” and instruct me to to go back, wait for the page to reload fully and try again and after this done the same thing happens : (

    • Thank’s NIkos – the site should be fine, think its just heavy Woob traffic at the moment! :)
      Try restarting your browser clearing cookies and all that.

  8. Yikes- Keycard already sold out and I hadn’t quite sent all the newsletters out!
    Thanks to everyone who ordered one. Apologies to those who missed out !

  9. All sold out, lucky i ordered yesterday, thats great news though, a nice looking woob collectable to look forward to :)

  10. Just got the mail and already sold out, very, very disappointed!

  11. Stunning album Paul, really engaging listen. Hats off!
    Your album is our album of the month on ElectronicMusicGuide.com
    Hope you’re happy with the review, never been able to express music very well in words :)

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